Sunday, October 28, 2007

What is the difference between a final good and an intermediate good?

What is the difference between a final good and an intermediate good? Give an example of both.


melanie vèlez said...

The difference between final good and intermediate good is a Final good is a loaf of bread sold to its user. Intermediate goods are the ingredients that go into the Bread, for example, flour or wheat, sugar and honey are not counted in GDP.

leo said...

the difference between final and intermediate goods is that final good is what you end up with and intermediate goods is the things you use to make your final good.

Tiffany_Martinez said...

In economics final goods are goods that are ultimately consumed rather than used in the production of another good. For example, a car sold to a consumer is a final good the components such as tires sold to the car manufacturer are not; they are intermediate goods used to make the final good.

Milton Guerrero said...

The difference between a final good and an intermediate good is that a final good is like the final touch to it. And an intermediate good is a good that you need to get to the final good. For build a park,you would need slides and swings, those are intermediate goods. Then when the park is all done then it would be a final good.

Maria Carbajal said...

The difference between a final good and an intermediate good is a final is consumed by the end user and does not require any further processing for example, a car sold to a consumer is a final good. A intermediate good is a material or item that is a final-product of a process, but is also used as an input in the production process of some other good. For example, sugar is consumed directly as well as in the manufacture of food products.

Angeles Ramos said...

A final good is, a good that is completely done. A intermediate good is the things (materials) you need in order to get something done. One example would be when the building is done and build it would be a final good. The intermediate good would be the things you need.For example the bricks, cement, windows, doors, and for course some one who is going to build the building.

Daysy Laureano said...

Final good is the result of something that you make.And the intermediate good is the materials you need in order to make something.


FINAL GOOD=That which is consumed by the end user and does not require any further process.

INTERMEDIATE GOOD=Material or item that is a final-product of a process, but is also used as an input in the production process of some other good.

melvin lamboy said...

an intermedaite good is a product that goes into the final product. A final good is a product that is ready for production. an example is making a pizza. The intermediate product is the cheese and sausage. The final product is the pizza.

Anonymous said...

the final good is wen the product is finish and the intermidia good is the prosses in wich the product is been made

Didi Roldan said...

The difference between final and intermediate goods are that a final good is the product you end up with it. An intermediate good is what you used to get your final good....for example your final good would be a box of cereal ...the intermediate good is what was used to make that box of cereal u just bought....

josevillalobos said...

A final good is sold to its user and intermdiate goods are not counted in GDP, and it makes a good final.